A HOME REPAIR BLOG designed for women (and those that don't normally do repairs) who live in older style (or any type) home, or who have rentals—who simply no longer want to view home improvement projects as frightening but who realize they may on occasion be challenging—after all, any place can be a home once you hang your heart. The one thing that must be clearly understood however is that repairs must be done correctly to improve a home's value. If they can be done yourself, and at a discount, all the better. (Of course, knowing when to initiate Plan B (call a professional) – life at home can be serendipity.)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vertical Blind Repair

Article 6
That Old House Meets This New Woman 
by P.K. Costa

Vertical Blind Repair and Replacement (including clips)
It is common for vertical blinds to break (they seem to easily fall out of the clasp that holds them in place at the top) and luckily there are clips that you can purchase that will slip on to the end of the vertical blinds and allow you to insert the vertical blind back in place. 

On rare occasions there will however be those blinds that get so badly damaged that sometimes even a replacement clip won't do the trick. You can always try turning the vertical blind upside down and inserting the clip on the other end (it doesn't matter that there isn't a hole) as it will insert into the unit at the top that holds all of the vertical blinds with the new clip. 
Vertical blind clips are a cinch to add to your blinds (top or bottom of blind)
and can sometimes save you from having to replace your entire vertical blind.
(Vertical blinds are also replaceable by having new ones cut to fit.
If that doesn't work however, you may have to go to a blind and drapery shop and have a new vertical blind custom cut (which is really not all that expensive) and replace the entire blind panel instead. You can call around to see who can do that for you, but if you're in San Jose there are a few shops locally that will cut you a strip (just be sure to measure correctly), or better yet -- take the broken blind to the shop with you and have them cut to fit exact. (In fact, LaVoie Window Coverings on San Carlos in San Jose should be able to help you out and they are very reasonable.)

Otherwise, if the blind is just cracked you can pick up a package of vertical blind clips and insert a clip at the top of the blind (or, if it is so badly ripped at one end, you can turn the blind upside down and insert the clip at the other end of the blind, and then insert that end into the pull unit mechanism) and there you have it--a newly repaired set of blinds. You have your balance of light and privacy and all is right with the world once again.

Blind clips are a lifesaver for older
homes or rentals and slip right in!
Blind clips are really easy to install (although quite honestly they are a little difficult to push on as once they are on they are meant to stay on so be careful that you have them centered before pushing down; also be careful not to crack your blinds when putting the clips on--your blinds are much more fragile than you realize).

Let there be light (or no light)! 

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