A HOME REPAIR BLOG designed for women (and those that don't normally do repairs) who live in older style (or any type) home, or who have rentals—who simply no longer want to view home improvement projects as frightening but who realize they may on occasion be challenging—after all, any place can be a home once you hang your heart. The one thing that must be clearly understood however is that repairs must be done correctly to improve a home's value. If they can be done yourself, and at a discount, all the better. (Of course, knowing when to initiate Plan B (call a professional) – life at home can be serendipity.)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Privacy and Peace of Mind

Article 5
That Old House Meets This New Woman
by P.K. Costa

Solution for privacy (saving peace of mind) — at a very reasonable
There comes a time when renting causes privacy issues, whether it be noise, the smell of cigarette smoke that creeps through a window, or it can just be in your own home sweet home where there's just that one window situated just so that by design flaw allows your neighbor to peer in and unintentionally invade your privacy—and it's not like you can do anything about it, after all, sometimes you're in a neighborhood where everyone is dealing with the same issue. Or, perhaps you're in an older home where you just have a one-of-a-kind window you want to do something with, perhaps maximize light without covering it up. Luckily architects are getting much better, and so are the many solutions out there for such window issues, be it a bathroom, kitchen, living room or even bedroom window.

There are plenty of things you can do to maintain your privacy, especially if you're friendly with your neighbors :)  There's the usual fence and divide, where neighbors share the expense of building a tall fence (as tall as county permits), or adding lattice or something decorative on top of an existing fence. Unless you're in a townhouse or condominium complex that has an Homeowner's Association (HOA) and there are CC&R's to deal with, and then quite possibly discussions will need to be had with the HOA, property manager or landlord.

Other options include things like awnings, or shutters (some are actually pretty decorative these days), and sometimes you can get quite creative with window and shadow boxes (especially if you know a contractor who is looking for a side job). There is also the less expensive and more natural approach such as with a planter box directly below the window with a trellis sticking up out of it (high enough to cover most of the window, even one or two thin, decorative lattice pieces), and you can plant a climbing vine to climb up the trellis that will soon block the window (the trellis or lattice piece does most of the blocking actually; the vines are more decorative). 

You can also hang trellis down from the roof eaves on hooks and then grow a vine up from the planter box that way, or from a window box if up on a second story. (There are several vine options but a Morning Glory might be a great vine to do this with as it grows like crazy year-round, grows well in pots, and has beautiful blooms.) Thank you to Mikey for this suggestion :)

You can also spend some of your savings and replace the windows with some frosted or decorative glass and make your own permanent privacy; or cover the existing windows with window treatments, whether it be sheer panels and then lace or some sort of other decorative drapes or curtains, depending on what look you're after (and how much light you want coming in). Unfortunately, this cuts out on some good natural light with any type of window covering, even mini blinds.

Or, you can go one of the routes I chose for a fairly small window that faced directly into a neighbor's: Decorative (cling-on) window covering. It really does look pretty decent for being a cover, and I chose the stained glass look for a more realistic look and additional privacy. (I purchased the two-sheet kit at Home Depot for about $20.00)

Low-cost decorative window (cling-on) is a great solution for that unfortunate
"privacy" issue so many have to deal with in some home designs and  rental units
You can cut it to fit, and I've actually used this a few times already. The first time was on a larger window temporarily until proper window treatments could be found; the second time for these windows (much smaller). I still pull down the blinds over them at night (not that you can see through them) but during the day they provide enough light to see, and also provide complete privacy.

I also purchased a frosted glass look for another window to provide more privacy as I have lace curtains I want to hang there and want as much light coming in as possible for work, but still want to maintain as much privacy as possible. Remember, in rentals you don't want to spend a lot of money, but you want to maximize every penny.

Enjoy your privacy, light and your peace of mind :)

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