A HOME REPAIR BLOG designed for women (and those that don't normally do repairs) who live in older style (or any type) home, or who have rentals—who simply no longer want to view home improvement projects as frightening but who realize they may on occasion be challenging—after all, any place can be a home once you hang your heart. The one thing that must be clearly understood however is that repairs must be done correctly to improve a home's value. If they can be done yourself, and at a discount, all the better. (Of course, knowing when to initiate Plan B (call a professional) – life at home can be serendipity.)

Make it a Common³ Day

Make it a Common³ Day

Introduction to Make it a Common³ Day and some of the contents posted thus far can be found on my WordPress website (design and content *excitedly* still in progress) however let me tell you a little bit about it this particular blog:

Basically, as the introduction states on WordPress, the story behind my blog, ‘Make it a Common³ Day’ (Make it a Common Cubed Day)—is the joys of a day where life is full of all sorts of wondrous surprises when intermingled with those that lack common sense, and often times, common courtesy. I started out with a title of “Common²” however it seems that in life when people don’t have common courtesy, or lack common sense, their behavior merely becomes common practice—thus the Common³ aspect. The slight difference between Make it a Common³ Day and When Humor Hits Home is the common sense and common courtesy focus so I encourage your comments, and most certainly would accept common sense (or lack thereof) topic submissions as sometimes a 360 view—laced with a humorous spin—can help us find a new perspective and just get through.

I hope you'll enjoy!

...hmmm...since it's that time of year again maybe I should publish a photo of a fumbled football or something with this particular blog..?  :)

Link: http://pkcosta.wordpress.com/2011/04/23/make-it-a-common³-day/

Note: Some of the articles on Make it a Common³ Day may have been first posted on Examiner as that is another publication I write for
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